Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Being Busy

 Haiku Time:
So little Free Time
To do what I want and Love ...
Well, I guess that's Life

Busy, busy, busy. This semester I've had quite the workload. People always tell you that you should spend at least an hour a night on homework per class (or maybe it was two), and I'm just going to tell you that I've never done that and gotten perfectly fine grades all through college. I'm sure that if you want to excel as an A+ student you may want to follow that advice better, but I've never been interested in being in the top of a class I don't give a rat's tail about.
That being said, this is the first semester in my whole life that I've consistently been unable to have a weekend free of homework. Yes, there has been the odd weekend that I knew I wouldn't have time to do anything and therefor worked hard the whole week to get ahead on homework before the weekend, but that's just too hard to do every week while still having time to relax.

What especially frustrates me, as you might guess, is that I've had so little time to write. The real kick in the pants about this is that I spent the entire summer working on a novel that I decided to scrap, and I was really hoping to have something to show publicly for all that work by now. Instead all I've got are unfinished projects, newly conceived ideas, and a large unfinished draft of a novel. None of it is ready to be shown to anybody.
I guess the good thing about having so little time to write my current projects is that I've got time to think about and develop my future projects, and I can assure you that my future projects are shaping up to be much more complete and improved than they were when I had so much time to write.

Now let's hope I eventually get time to write down those good, complete ideas.

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